Ever wonder what my tattoos look like once they are finished healing?
Here are some examples, ranging from six weeks up to five years healing time:
6 weeks
3 months
6 months
1 year
2.5 years
5 years
It's pretty exciting seeing my work after so many years! I always appreciate when clients send me healed photos, so if you've got any feel free to send them my way!
If you liked this post you might be interested in checking out some of my other inspo blog posts, like my bird tattoo inspo blog!
Interested in learning how I draw the tattoo designs above? My patreon might be for you, which gives you access to 20 ebook drawing tutorials on different flowers, and includes botanical studies, video tutorials, and step-by-step guides.
And lastly, sign up to my newsletter and follow me on social media to see my most recent tattoos (and more fully healed ones!) and to stay up-to-date with my newest and latest projects!
As always, thanks for being interested in what I do!