Birds are a common request when it comes to drawing up custom tattoo designs. And with good reason! Not only are they some of the most beautiful creatures on earth, they are also symobols most often associated with freedom, love, and strength.
There are thousands of different species of birds around the world, giving us lots of variety and options to choose from when designing a tattoo. And lucky for me, I love tattooing them!
If you're considering a bird tattoo and looking for some inspiration, then this post is for you! Here are some bird tattoos I've designed for my lovely clients...(now this goes without saying, but these are meant as inspiration only. Copying someone else's tattoo is really not cool, and using someone else's art without permission is stealing!).
There are thousands of different species of birds around the world, giving us lots of variety and options to choose from when designing a tattoo. And lucky for me, I love tattooing them!
If you're considering a bird tattoo and looking for some inspiration, then this post is for you! Here are some bird tattoos I've designed for my lovely clients...(now this goes without saying, but these are meant as inspiration only. Copying someone else's tattoo is really not cool, and using someone else's art without permission is stealing!).

From quick sketches, to finished designs...

I also love taking on specific requests:
A heron

A sparrow

A springtime swallow

A hummingbird

An adorable little round finch

A crow

A momento mori

A raven

Some cute little chickadees

Some cardinals in the wild

Here's something a little darker

Or as part of a bigger piece...

Something matching with your sister or friend...

Voila! These are just some of the many bird tattoos I've done over the years. I hope this blog was helpful in some way at sparking some inspiration for your next tattoo! Let me know in the comments if you have any favorites.
Interested in seeing a step-by-step talk through of one the sparrow designs above? My patreon might be for you! And hey- if you liked this post you might want to sign up to my newsletter- you'll be the first to get online store updates, plus you'll get a free phone wallpaper just for signing up!
Thanks for looking, and as always, thank-you for being interested in what I do!