New Booking Process // January 2023

New Booking Process // January 2023

Hi everyone,
So winter is time for change right? And making big changes to business processes on new years day makes tooootal sense right???
Anyways, that's basically what I've decided to do 🤷🏻‍♀️.
Due to the amount of request I have been getting for illustration and mural projects I have decided to only book tattoo projects one month in advance. So I am trialing a new tattoo booking process for this January (2023)!
If you are interested in any illustration or interior mural work for early 2023 let me know I can schedule you in now!
I will be booking up January tattoo appointments in 3 stages…
1.       28th December // Priority booking.
I will be keeping a priority booking list. This will be clients with ongoing projects. They will be able to book in advance (if you think you should be on this list email me).
2.      30th December 10am // Flash booking
I will open up specific days for flash pieces. I will be creating a whole new set of flash designs for January. These appointments will be first come first serve via my booking page.
3.      1st January 10am // New custom bookings
I will be stopping my current system of submitting design requests and instead open my bookings on a first-come first-serve basis. New custom tattoo projects will be able to be booked as either half day or full day sittings via my booking page.
Anyone booking a custom piece will be emailed shortly after they book with a questionnaire about what they want tattooed. You must be able to answer these questions so please do not book without knowing what it is you want.
All tattoos must be in my style, no colour, no hands, necks, faces or coverups with out prior approval (email me)
To simplify things there will be three set prices…
  • Flash pieces - $350+taxes
  • Half-day custom tattoo - $500+taxes (up to hand size piece)
  • Full-day custom tattoo - $1000+taxes (up to a4 size piece)
Any larger projects will be done on multiple sittings, and you will be added to the priority list until your project is complete. 
A $200 deposit will be required on all bookings!
Don't worry I will be sending out a newsletter reminder when my books are open so keep an eye on your inboxes for updates!

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