Lalala it's April already, how how how????
Anyhoo, how was everyone's March?
Mine was pretty great. Suuuper busy, so many amazing tattoos and lovely clients. The weather is starting to get better (but I'm not holding my breath, we'll probably still have third winter or something).
Here's a little round up of what I got up to…
The Highlights...
I completed my seminair series at Brampton library with a really fun session exploring different tattoo design compositions and also giving some tips for apprenticeship portfolios.
A few people have asked if I would make this into a webinair series and I think I could adapt it to work online. I've put together a short survey so let me know if that's something you'd be into…

I completed my art goals of a sketchbook page (of tiger studies, and wing studies, plus pinterest sketches) and this tiger scene / drawing scene (and embracing imperfection).
I treated myself to:
Women holding things // Maira Kalman
Let's have a talk: Conversations with Women on Art and Culture // Lauren O'Neil Butler
And some new converse I'm planning on decorating!
Ok so this was technically in April, but I reopened The Vault with new one-off designs!
Check them out HERE.
I got to visit ‘the office experience’ at Yorkdale mall with a bunch of my Black Cloud family.
Glorious day.
Other Stuff...
- Apo Whang-Od, 106 year-old Filipino tattoo artist was on the cover of Vogue Philippines ed
- Did everyone see the ultramassive black hole??? 30 BILLION time bigger than the sun. I just can't imagine.
- I'm going to New York for my birthday at the end of April!!! Going to be meeting my friend there, hitting the Strand, grabbing Prince street pizza and watching Hamilton 🥰. There's a Georgia O'Keeffe exhibit at the MOMA too.
- I've been rewatching House M.D. Some of it has not aged well, lol (has anything except Die Hard?). It also does absolutely nothing good for my health anxiety, but I can't stop.
- The National park service have these aaadorable crochet patterns to download for free (I mean I don't crochet but if I did….)
- She's 6lbs!!!
- She no longer has a uterus! She had her op on the 15th and we used these suuuuper cute onsies to keep her away from her wound (the cone was not going to happen).
- She's as cuddly as ever and has taken so being my big spoon at night.
- She was deeeelighted to be out of her onsie now she's healed
- I got her a furminator as suggested by a client and OMG sooooooo much fur!!!!
Spooning evidence (excuse my eyemask my apartment is very bright)

She only takes treats by hand
and the bed is actually now hers

ROSE - full day (wraps more than you can see)
SANDRA - full day
TIFFANY - half day
BRIANNA - full day
JOSH - half day
JESSICA - flash
NOAH - full day (wraps forearm)
ALYSON - flash
KIM - half day
ROB - half day
DAKOTA - flash
MELISSA - full day
JOSH - 1 month
KIM - 6 years
BRIANNA - 4 years
Want to see more of my recent tattoo work? Head on over to my instagram!
(this blog post was written by a human!)