
Getting tattooed after coronavirus lockdown....

Now that Toronto is well into phase two of reopening, Black Cloud Tattoos is happy to be welcoming clients again, and I am over the moon to be back tattooing!  I can't speak for all tattoo studios, but the team at Black Cloud Tattoos have implemented several new procedures at the studio to ensure all of our clients and the BCT team are safe from coronavirus.


So if you are thinking of getting tattooed at Black Cloud Tattoos during phase two of reopening in Toronto, here's what you can expect....




The tattoo studio has been rearranged to ensure there is plenty of room between stations for social distancing. Plexiglass barriers have also been installed to further enforce social-distancing measures.

We know that the studio is a really cool space, filed with awesome stuff that's tempting to check out, but we ask all clients to remain within their tattoo station at this time. Please do not wander the studio at this time, and please don't touch anything you don't need to!





Every person that enters Black Cloud Tattoos will be temperature checked upon arrival via a digital thermometer. Any person with a high temperature will have to leave the studio immediately and get tested. This includes both clients and tattoo artists! 

Masks are mandatory at all times inside of the tattoo studio, and clients arriving without a mask will be provided with a disposable one. Everyone entering the tattoo studio are also asked to thoroughly wash their hands before meeting their artist at their station.





We are asking all clients to come alone to their appointments to limit the number of people in the studio at one time. I know it's sad that you can't bring a friend, but it's the safest way to operate for the time being. I am also only tattooing one client per day to limit the number of people I come into contact with.





Black Cloud Tattoos have always implemented rigorous cleaning procedures to ensure the safety of our clients, but we will be diligently increasing our cleaning of regular touch points (such as door handles). We have also installed air purifiers throughout the studio, and hand sanitizer is available at every station.




We are only taking card payment for the time being. We have disposable covers for the card machine which is changed after every client, so you know that you are safe when making your payment.


If you have any concerns or questions about these new procedures please no not hesitate to contact me or Black Cloud Tattoos.


Much Love,
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